Whenever a non-criminal judicial authority (z.B. 911 Centre, County Computer Department) is designated for the performance of criminal justice functions, such as approved by executive order, statute, regulation or inter-institutional agreement. How: An MCA may be a separate document or be included in the language of the inter-institutional agreement between the criminal justice authority and the non-criminal government authority. In both cases, it must be a formal agreement between the criminal justice authority and the non-criminal authority, which performs criminal functions. Why: establish guidelines, procedures and procedures relating to the non-criminal authority`s access to criminal information and require that the control of the management of criminal functions (and information) remain exclusively on the part of the criminal justice authority. As you can see, by deriding politics into its parts, it becomes clearer and more understandable. I know this because I have done it many times. Nevertheless, WABs are one of the main areas of non-compliance with government audits and the FBI CJIS. Is it a surprise to someone that Charlie Brown`s teacher has compiled Time magazine`s list of 10 bad teachers? Understanding politics is one thing.

Creating and implementing an MCA between two government agencies can be a tedious and tedious process. One of the simplest ways to illustrate WAB`s requirements is to study the “who, what, where, when, why and how” formula for analysis and answering difficult questions. Getting two or more government entities on the same side with different internal political and political policies can be a struggle and sometimes feel like an exercise in vain. What: The Management Control Agreement, MCA or sometimes called “the thing.” The manufacture of MCAs does not need to appear as an endless fight, nor does your stress level need to increase. The CJIS ACE Suite for Proactive Services includes assistance with the development, verification and/or execution of MCA. There is no need to reinvent the wheel, we can help. Today, we will look at management control agreements (MCAs). My goal is to overcome the “wah wah who wha wha” of CJIS security policy and to have a useful understanding of WAB. It makes sense that if all you hear is “Wah wah, wha wha,” there is not much learning because of a lack of understanding. With this “expertise,” I was solicited and presented my experiences and advice on the process at several events (z.B. FBI CJIS Information Security Officer Symposium, NYS NYS NYSPIN Advisory Committee and NYS Government Local IT Directors Association).

I also became a resource for the FBI`s CJIS division by making references to agencies that have tried to create McAs in their locations. After helping to write and follow the first version of the MCA between the NYS Office for Technology and the Integrated Justice Advisory Board (composed of the NYS Division of State Police, Division of Criminal Justice Services, Division of Parole and the Department of Correctional Services), I immediately became an expert in inter-institutional bureaucratic diplomacy.