The overall picture is one of the mandatory arbitration procedures that extended to nearly a quarter of the labour force in the 1990s and early 2000s. The purpose of this study is to determine whether this expansion continues beyond 2003 and how widespread mandatory work reconciliation is currently. Fair act is not expected to come into force, so employers and workers can, for the time being, agree in advance to settle labour disputes through arbitration. In this situation, it is important to consult a lawyer to determine what rights you may have. Depending on the issue in question and the provisions of the agreement, you may need to make a strategic decision quickly as to whether to continue the forced arbitration in force or to challenge the proceedings in court. It can quickly set deadlines that affect your legal strategy, so it`s important to consult a lawyer immediately to get the widest range of options for yourself. Simple mandatorying is a controversial practice in which a company requires employees or consumers to agree to settle legal disputes with the company instead of going to court. Although apparently voluntary, since the employee or consumer can choose whether or not to sign the arbitration agreement, in practice the signing of the agreement is necessary if the person wants to get the work or mobile phone, credit card or other consumer products sold to the company. Mandatory arbitration agreements are legally enforceable and effectively prevent workers or consumers from going to court rather than redirecting legal rights to an arbitration procedure transformed by the company`s agreement, which is a condition of employment or activity with it.1 It is employers with the lowest paid workforce that most likely imposes mandatory arbitration on their employees. From a political point of view, this is a problem, as low-paid workers are particularly vulnerable to violations of their labour rights: researchers have found widespread violations of the wage and hourly laws of these workers (Bernhardt et al. 2008, 2009). In May 2018, the Supreme Court ruled that companies could use arbitration clauses to prevent employees from suing employers for employment issues.

The study described in this report shows that mandatory work reconciliation has continued to increase and that today, in more than half of American jobs, workers are subject to binding arbitration agreements that deprive them of the right to assert their rights against their employer in court. This is a dramatic and important change in the way American workers` employment rights are applied. Today, instead of letting the public courts decide their rights and judge them by the juries of their colleagues, American workers now have more often to assert their rights – rights based on laws of Congress or state legislators – on arbitration tribunals that are governed by agreements that their own employers have developed and that they must impose as a condition of employment. Although mandatory employment arbitration is usually supplemented by the signing of an arbitration agreement, usually at the time of hiring, companies take arbitration simply by announcing that these procedures have been incorporated into the organization`s employment policy. 3.5% of companies had also adopted a mandatory conciliation with this second mechanism. With the 50.4 per cent of employers asking workers to sign an agreement, this means that a total of 53.9 per cent of all firms had adopted a mandatory work reconciliation by one of these two mechanisms in the survey.