13.4 Comprehensive Agreement. This Agreement is the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to their subject matter and supersedes all prior or concurrent agreements with respect to that Subject Matter. In any case, a core strategic partnership agreement should include the following: let`s look at five common types of strategic partnerships and what is in a typical strategic partnership agreement. Immersion in a partnership ecosystem can be very beneficial for your business, but it can also be difficult and confusing to initiate and set it up. A partnership agreement is the best way (and in many cases required by law) to start a new business relationship. Investing time and energy in the right deal will pay off very well in the future. and using P2P Global`s platform makes things even easier. ODOO grants PARTNER, on a non-exclusive basis, the right to use and reproduce the ODOO partner logo of the corresponding partnership level and the name “Odoo” in relation to this partnership agreement. One type of popular (and extremely valuable) alliance is the strategic partnership for the supply chain.

One of the most obvious places where you can see strategic partnerships for the supply chain in action is the film industry. If you`ve ever noticed that the credits of most movies list different companies strangely named before the movie starts, it`s because movies are usually made using a supply chain method. A relatively small production company takes over the filming and post-production production, a larger studio provides financing, marketing and distribution of the film. Think of J.J. Abrams Bad Robot and Paramount Pictures who have such a partnership agreement. In a strategic partnership, two companies intertwine their efforts in a particular area, such as marketing, supply chain, integration, technology, finance or a combination of it. “Supply-chain partnerships run into problems because success metrics on the supplier side focus on time, cost, and quality, while your perspective is likely focused on revenue and revenue. A supply-chain partnership only works if each participant can meet the quality and price expectations of end customers while remaining individually profitable. Typically, companies engage in supply chain partnerships to reduce costs, streamline processes, or improve quality. Unfortunately, supply chain partnerships, as valuable as they are, can also be among the most difficult types of alliances to maintain. If you run any function in-house, you can maintain quality and get a profit, your company may not have much to gain from a strategic partnership agreement. But there is almost always the possibility of either reducing the cost column or increasing the end result in any other company, and here strategic partners are useful. .

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