Subject-verb agreement is the cornerstone of good grammar. Proper usage of subject-verb agreement ensures that the sentence is grammatically correct and conveys the intended meaning to the reader. As a professional, I have come across common questions related to subject-verb agreement and have provided answers to them below.

Q: What is subject-verb agreement?

A: Subject-verb agreement refers to the grammatical agreement between a subject and its corresponding verb. For example, in the sentence “She eats pizza,” the subject “she” agrees with the verb “eats” in number and person.

Q: How important is subject-verb agreement in writing?

A: Subject-verb agreement is essential in writing as it affects the clarity and accuracy of the sentence. A sentence with incorrect subject-verb agreement can miscommunicate the intended message to the reader and negatively impact the writer`s credibility.

Q: What are some common errors in subject-verb agreement?

A: One of the most common errors is a mismatch in the number of the subject and verb. For example, “The dogs barks” is incorrect as the subject “dogs” is plural, while the verb “barks” is singular. Another common error is a mismatch in the subject-verb person, such as “They is going to the store” instead of “They are going to the store.”

Q: How can one ensure proper subject-verb agreement?

A: One can ensure proper subject-verb agreement by identifying the subject and verb in the sentence and ensuring that they match in number and person. For plural subjects, use verbs that end with “-s” or “-es.” For singular subjects, use verbs that end with “-s” or “-es” only for the third person singular, while singular subjects that are not third person singular must use verbs that do not end with “-s” or “-es.”

Q: Are there any exceptions to subject-verb agreement rules?

A: Yes, there are exceptions such as collective nouns, which refer to a group of individuals as a whole, such as “team,” “family,” and “jury.” In these cases, the verb can be singular or plural depending on context and intention.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is crucial in writing and can impact the credibility of the writer. By ensuring proper subject-verb agreement, one can communicate effectively and convey the intended message to the reader.